G$ - Global - GBL
Global Citizen Dividend
Universal Capital Income
G$ is a productive currency with ballast in expansion of Life, production, productivity and/or capacity utilization. G$ issued for Life, productivity and production expansion of Medical Dividend and Olife/Life Campus (ICU, MLT, IUI, SAV, LFI, PLM, CBM etc of Global Mobile Medical System: of Permanent Life Paradigm, Protocol and Product. G$ is the currency of Life, Production and Income, generating sustainable growth without inflation or recession.
Quantity offered/demanded for currency, shares and productive assets are synchronized (instead of volatile-speculative prices), complementing or substituting traditional markets/exchanges/currencies. Globolsa is the G$ Global productive currency Global Central Bank of Global Enterprises, Banks, Brokers and National Central Banks with expansion of national currency ballast in Global Productive Currency (G$Global) with ballast in national enterprise shares with collateral in production expansion assets and paying dividends to national citizens.
Global Money (Global, GBL, G$) with ballast in enterprise shares, issued for expansion of production capacity, productivity and/or reduction of idle capacity, liquid at book value, collateral in liquid tangible assets, distributing 100% of profits as over night daily dividends, with target of 20% liquid average annualized margin over cost (20% efficient operator, 25% strategic differentiator, 30% incremental innovator, 35% radical innovator and 40% radical inventor).
G$ Globals can be issued in exchange for citizen Intellectual Capital, enterprise functional shares receiving daily dividends (salary/0.2/30); Global Medical Dividend for health compliance and Global Educational Dividend for knowledge compliance, proportional to rise in productivity, raising Intellectual Capital and functional shares.
Non-negotiable shares are deposited in Funds of Individual Investment and Social Security (FIS) of United Nations and Globocean-United Lands citizens, generating an Universal Capital Income and daily GLOBAL DIVIDEND, to assure a basic standard of living for all humanity.
50% of purchasing power directed to INVESTMENT to increase supply (daily dividend paying enterprise shares with collateral in production expansion assets) and 50% directed to CONSUMPTION to increase demand (general or specific purchasing power to acquire expanded demand).
G$ Globals are a more efficient counting unit, reserve of value and transaction means than Fiat Currency (as leading Dollar/Euro or any other national traditional currency, usually based on emission with ballast in not necessarily productive government and commercial bank debt) and than Crypto currencies (as leading Bitcoin or any currency based on blockchain transaction mining/issuing, usually based on emission/mining with ballast in transaction activity that could be from same party on both sides of trade).
Fiat/Crypto can potentially maintain/generate inflation/unemployment, while G$Global increases supply/demand simultaneoulsy with collateral in production assets and citizen interest in receiving its Universal Capital Income, guranteeing a minimum standart of living. G$ Globals issuing generate non inflationary growth linking expansion of supply, income and demand for products and services. G$ Globals favor equal democratic accumulation of wealth with cause, without damages and without taxation.
Global Citizen accounts for all Humans can offer daily GLOBAL MEDICAL DIVIDEND for medical compliance, rewarding proof of Vaccination, Substance Abuse Avoidance, Microfluid Preventive Testing, Nutrition Supplementation Management, Individual Universal Immunotherapy and Permanent Life Protocol (
Financed by Global Money G$ with ballast in production expansion assets, sponsors, data dividend, percentage over Global transactions, national public/private health insurance, taxes and currency. Global Citizen accounts will be gradually claimed as deposits/services expand. Target of G$100 to 1000 monthly matched by 100 to 1000 in national currency (or $10 to $100 daily combined).