Global Work Dividend
Global Work Dividend for raise in productivity from conversion or ordinary fixed wage/salary work compensation to Intellectual Capital from enterprise non-negotiable functional shares, attached to a work function in the organization, receiving daily dividends with convertion of current compensation at 20% net profit target as salary/0.2/30, 6 hour/day, 30h/week, 24/7 economy work, eliminating stress of over/under working.
Global Democracy Dividend for raise in productivity from conversion of authoritarian non-democratic national, regional, municipal and/or organizational system to Political Capital democratic system based on power shares of citizen-worker-investor, receiving daily dividends proportional to the extension of democratic development defined by the Human Rights statute of United Nations and Globocean/United Lands/Solar Federation constitution.
Global Real Estate Dividend for use of real estate (land, water, building) to park mobile infra-structure as habitation, energy, transportation, sanitation, communication, including ecologic robotic underground tunneling infrastructure and mining, with 1% of revenues each for owner and citizens (municipal, regional, national and global), 5% total, payable in G$Globals and/or other currencies and/or enterprise shares.
Global Environment Dividend for increase in productivity from individuals/citizens, private/public organizations not polluting/damaging environment, generating rise in income and asset value. There never was a right to pollute and polluter must stop damages immediately and reimburse/fix damages already caused. Polluting matter has economic value and must be recycled also generating a productivity dividend for the economy.
Global Democracy Dividend
Global Real Estate Dividend
Global Environment Dividend