GLOBOLSA Global Holding GDDE
Global Direct Democracy of Entrepreneurs
globolsa (@) globolsa . com
Twitter: @globolsa / @globocean
skype: AlexNapoli2000
Globolsa Global Holding, Global Exchange System of Direct Democracy of Entrepreneurs (GDDE) to create/administrate organizations under the universal right to freedom of expression, initiative, organization and competition. Globolsa is the G$ Global productive currency Global Central Bank of Global Enterprises, Banks and Brokers. Globolsa issues G$, productive currency with ballast in expansion of productivity, production and/or capacity utilization. Global Holding Enterprises buy/sell shares directly from/to Active Investor- Entrepreneurs, citizens-residents of United Nations Globocean - United Lands - Solar Federation, in economic international waters, land and aerospace, with zero taxation, legislation and labor (www.globocean.org). Financial and operational assets are expressed in shares, negotiable at book value, receiving over night daily dividends from all profit distribution. Quantity offered/demanded for currency, shares and productive assets are synchronized instead of volatile-speculative price, complementing or substituting traditional market/exchange. Social Capitalism or Capital Socialism democratizes capital wealth/income and Intellectual Capital (labor/work) ending poverty/sickness: FIS - Fund of Individual Investment and Social Security; UCI - Universal Capital Income; Global Medical Dividend.Traditional National Price Market Day Trade can generate daily capital gains plus Daily Dividends from 24/7 Quantity Market with fixed book value price at Globolsa.com.